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february lovin'

Valentine's Day isn't one of the bigger holidays at my place, but it certainly can't be ignored. And what girl in her right mind would turn down the opportunity to add a little extra pink to her rooms? NOT ME.

We keep it pretty simple: a heart on the door, some extra flowers, and of course the well-loved tassel banners. Just enough to be a reminder of this sweet season of appreciating our loved ones, without being so much that it's all up in yo' face.

I hope you have a tender day of reminding the ones you love of what they mean to you. As for me, I'll be making phone calls to catch up with friends and texting out winky-heart emojis curled up on the couch tonight while I catch up on last night's episode of the Bachelor. #wildnight


quick fixes


Move things around! Sometimes your space is just stale and needs variation. Figure out another way for the puzzle pieces to fit together.



Bring in some greenery or fresh flowers. Guaranteed to bring a little more life to any space.



Open up your blinds! Natural light restores a space like none other. Short supply of windows? Increase your own lighting with bright and effective lamps.

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