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the underdog of holidays

Maybe it's because as a kid, Santa Claus and no school totally trump the Easter bunny and his measly eggs, but I never really valued Christmas' spring counterpart as much as I did the classic winter holiday. And I remember talking with my mom about her favorite holiday when I was in high school and she said it might be Easter, because she loves the carefree, easy family time together. And I thought Easter? Seriously, you pick Easter?! But she might have converted me.

This year above all others, I thoroughly enjoyed my Easter holiday. As a teacher, I had Good Friday off and I milked that three day weekend hard - a sweaty AM workout, time by the pool, finished a favorite book (more on that later), and checked many-a-thing off that pesky to-do list. Which meant my Saturday and Sunday were full of easeful relaxation. My Easter Sunday itself was blissful. Early morning service followed by breakfast with my sister and her husband. Then a long, luxurious, family-focused easter lunch turned almost-dinner at my parents house, capped off with some family videos circa 1995. *classic*

A new way I've found to insert myself into the holiday festivities has been to lend my hand at the tablescape. I loved gleaning for ideas for our Thanksgiving table during this post in November. And as I'm sitting here typing, I'm realizing that I never actually shared with you what I did for our Thanksgiving table decor....blogger. fail. So here's a quick snippet of that!

But I won't make that same mistake twice! I did have a little something up my sleeve for our Easter table setting and I'm really quite happy with how it turned out. The beauty of it was in the simplicity. The most time-consuming part was hand-lettering and duplicating the cards to go on the plates. Everything else was just a quick run to the grocery store for flowers, Michaels for some ribbon, and a swing through my parent's house to pick up the napkins!

Of course my mother's impeccable taste in china and flatware doesn't hurt the cause either. :)


quick fixes


Move things around! Sometimes your space is just stale and needs variation. Figure out another way for the puzzle pieces to fit together.



Bring in some greenery or fresh flowers. Guaranteed to bring a little more life to any space.



Open up your blinds! Natural light restores a space like none other. Short supply of windows? Increase your own lighting with bright and effective lamps.

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